Articles tagged with Happiness

A collection of articles tagged with Happiness on my blog!

My outline of Bluebooking for Happiness

An outline of Bluebooking for Happiness :

Only the Professor Matters

  • Make your own criteria for what a good professor is
  • Attending classes is the best way to verify if a professor is good
  • Course reviews are an okay approximation but can be biased
  • Popular professors may be overrated
  • New professors are underrated and can be some of the best
  • Course title, description, syllabus, and content don’t matter as much as the professor
  • Drop a major to avoid a bad professor

Take Easy Classes

  • Take at most two high-workload classes per semester
  • Your time is valuable, prioritize real-world experience and building connections
  • Pick high-workload classes that teach you something unique
  • Low-workload, serious classes are better than traditional “guts”
  • Find classes others are taking for the material or professor that are also low-workload
  • The value of college comes from more than just classes

Don’t Take Classes with Section

  • Sections are designed to fail and rarely have the expertise of the professor
  • TAs may not have the incentive or knowledge to give accurate information
  • Section adds extra time and overhead

Timing Considerations

  • Don’t take classes because you “have to” (except for language and limited classes)
  • Don’t take classes that meet more than twice a week
  • Don’t take classes that meet on Friday
  • Don’t take labs
  • Don’t take languages (unless required)
  • Don’t double major


  • Get good advisors who will give different extreme opinions
  • Be decisive and don’t average the advice you get