Articles tagged with Reddit

A collection of articles tagged with Reddit on my blog!

How do commercial licenses like Obsidian's make money? Honor system

From this Reddit comment:

It is a honour system.

Many software companies don’t get significant amounts of income from direct licencing. For example less than 10% of duolingo users pay a subscription. There are other income streams involved.

In addition the different licences protect from corporate related liabilities: “our business lost its income due to your software!” ” were you paying for the corporate package?” “Well no…”

In response to what’s the point of Obsidian offering the commercial license.

A quick rant on React I found on Reddit

I recently found a rant on React from this Reddit thread:

Vue should be more popular. I’m being forced to learn React because there are almost no Vue jobs on my country and I’m disliking it so far. I hate that to make it manageable I have to install more dependencies, form data management sucks, there’s no proper separation between logic, markup and style, css-in-js and CSS modules feel counter-intuitive and I don’t like them. React’s naming conventions isn’t good either. The only good thing I’ll give it would be passing props as function arguments and destructuring them.

Reminds me of A quick rant on Svelte succeeding React I found on Reddit, and how React sucks (kinda).
