Articles tagged with Fun Fact

A collection of articles tagged with Fun Fact on my blog!

How do commercial licenses like Obsidian's make money? Honor system

From this Reddit comment:

It is a honour system.

Many software companies don’t get significant amounts of income from direct licencing. For example less than 10% of duolingo users pay a subscription. There are other income streams involved.

In addition the different licences protect from corporate related liabilities: “our business lost its income due to your software!” ” were you paying for the corporate package?” “Well no…”

In response to what’s the point of Obsidian offering the commercial license.

Why TechLead is controversial

A great Quora article that breaks down why TechLead is controversial.

Among the reasons, TechLead had extensive drama in regards to Clément Mihailescu’s AlgoExpert (including buying the AlgoExpert domain to redirect to his own website techinterviewpro), doxxing Tren Black, and techinterviewpro’s refund policy.
