Bluebooking for Happiness is the Bible for Yale Course Selection

After three horrible guts and five terrible major classes, you will have wished you had read it sooner

“Bluebooking for Happiness” is a masterpiece that every Yale student should read. It encapsulates the essential academic wisdom that many of us wish we had known when we first entered Yale.

So, what makes “Bluebooking for Happiness” so special? Most importantly, it challenges the common misconceptions about course selection. Most first-year students believe that stacking courses, majors, and cool sounding course titles is the way to go.

Instead, Zhendong argues that the only thing that truly matters when it comes to courses is the professor, among other things you can read in my outline of Bluebooking for Happiness.

You’re Going to Read This Article, and Then Internalize Nothing From it

This advice might sound simple, but it’s not easy to listen to. you’re going to read this article, and then internalize nothing from it. It may take years before you act upon its wisdom. The friend who recommended me this article is still a double major (although he takes cool courses).

You can disregard the advice, or not internalize it, but you will only realize it is true the further you go in your academic career.

Why You Should Believe Zhengdong

Take it from him: a history major who went into Deepmind straight after graduation. He is living proof that your major doesn’t matter. He truly has Skin in the Game and practices everything that he preaches.

First years discuss majors. Seasoned Yalies discuss courses
