Svelte and SvelteKit's tutorial is wonderful and my new unequivocal recommendation for starting Web Devs

A huge step forward in making web development accessible and enjoyable for beginners

I recently realized that Svelte made a huge update to their official tutorial. The documentation now includes docs, explanations, and exercises for both Svelte and SvelteKit, which makes learning it much better and is a game-changer for anyone wanting to get started.

Previously, SvelteKit had some breaking changes that made it difficult to recommend for beginners.

Now it is an unequivocal recommendation from me. Svelte is, in my opinion, much easier to learn than React when you’re just getting started in Web Dev.

To get started, just follow the official tutorialall the way through, to make sure you just get started.

However, it should be noted that while SvelteKit offers a fresh perspective and superior development experience, React is still the most popular choice for many people for its popularity and wide usage in the industry. If you are learning React for the first time, consider The new React docs are pretty good
